Nobel Prize

2450 days ago

Al Gore's new global warming scare film bombs because the facts show the Nobel Prize was awarded for a lie

The BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media on both sides of the Atlantic have been gagging to interview Nobel Prize winning former US Vice President Al Gore about his latest film. But at the Box Office, An Inconvenient Sequel Truth to Power is bombing.  The liberal elitists may love but the great unwashed is turned off. Why? Perhaps it is because Al Gore's net worth has soared to $200 million thanks to his work, jetting across the world to fight man made global warming. Or perhaps it is because the facts show clearly that his first opus magnus, An Inconvenient Truth, was just plain wrong.


2569 days ago

Photo article: It's almost May but the global warming still lies thick here in Southern Greece

Back in early December when I arrived at the Greek Hovel for the olive harvest, the Taygettos mountains behind me were already covered with thick snow which you might think a bit odd. After all we are at the Southernmost edge of Europe and Al Gore and the global warming loons were telling us twenty years ago that this area would be almost a desert by now. Well guess what?


3105 days ago

David Lenigas – not just a Nobel Mathematician but a Nobel Scientist as well – Andrew Monk explains

On what is becoming kick the fat Aussie share ramper day, leading broker Andrew Monk of VSA Resources has also stepped up to the plate. You may remember how John Meyer of SP Angel revealed Leni-Maths and nominated Big Dave “I just love the smell of newly issued confetti in the morning” Lenigas for the Nobel Prize for maths. Now Monkey is nominating Big Dave for the Nobel Prize for science as well. Over to the broker:


4215 days ago

Caption Contest – Pres Obama & Saddam Hussein Special

And so President Obama apparently won the second Presidential debate. The polls look close. My money is still on Obama winning and Mitt Romney getting to spend more time with his $77,000 a year taxpayer subsidised horse. But all will become clear on November 6th.

The great issue should be the US economy. It is the economy stupid. Read my lips. As far as I can see President Obama wishes to bankrupt America within four years while Mitt’s policies will leave him needing at least two terms to achieve the same goal. Slow death or quick death – it’s America’s call.

And so, part one of this week’s caption contest is in honour of hopeychange himself


4222 days ago

EU Wins Nobel Peace Prize – (was Jimmy Savile or President Assad runner up?)

This is not a hoax but it is a joke. The Nobel peace prize has just been awarded to the Evil Empire. Thorbjørn Jagland, head of the Oslo-based Nobel Committee, justified the award by stressing the EU’s role in bringing France and Germany closer together, and by helping strengthen democracy in southern as well as central and Eastern Europe.

Er….where do you start other than saying that Jagland should get back to butchering whales or whatever he did before as he is obviously a prize loon, or at best someone who has not watched TV in a couple of years.

In case he has missed it:
